
Category: Substitute Tools

10 Questions To Know For a Teacher Interview

Maybe you are a current Tagg sub interviewing for a full time position or perhaps you took a few years off to be home with your kids. Either way, knowing the answer to these 10 questions can help you prepare and give you the confidence you need when you sit down for your teacher interview.…
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Substitute and student smile beside Tagg behavior coupon

Try Our Substitute Behavior Coupons

Subs, have you been struggling to keep control of your classes? Well, we have a new free resource for you! Try our Tagg Substitute Behavior Coupons! Studies show that reinforcing positive behavior is one of the most effective ways to manage a classroom. Rather than punish students who are chatty or disruptive, try rewarding students…
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Tagg Resource- Substitute Report. Give it a try!

Try Our Substitute Report

Teachers, do you ever wonder how the day went while you were gone? Do you question who behaved or what got completed on the lesson plan? Well, consider leaving a substitute report for your guest teacher to fill out at the end of the day. It will not only help you stay in the know,…
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Smiling substitute teacher reads a book outdoors

3 Books To Improve Your Substitute Skills This Summer

The air is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and the kids are itching in their seats. You know what that means? School is almost out! With Summer quickly approaching, there is no better time to consider how you might improve your substitute skills for next Fall. When you’re having a picnic in the…
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Chalkboard on desk with introvert and extrovert signs

Extroverts and Introverts: How to Serve Both

One of the biggest challenges teachers face is creating a classroom environment that serves all of their students. Each child has a unique personality and learning style, so it can be difficult to create a classroom culture that meets the needs of the whole class. This is especially hard when you weigh the differences between…
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Students at desks listen to their substitute teacher

5 Tips For a New Substitute

Ever considered substitute teaching, but don’t have a teaching license? Well now you can give it a shot with Tagg! Tagg is a new web app connecting everyday community members to the classrooms that need them. When you sign up to substitute teach through Tagg, you get access to hundreds of classrooms in your area.…
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